Thursday, March 27, 2008

because you love me.

i was scanning on u-tube and saw this song. it brought back lots of things into my mind.

Celine Dion looked really into it when she sang. it's like she sang with her heart, and her look n eyes were like telling u she was really loved by someone. tat she was singing because there's someone for her to sing for.

because u love me. such a song for people in love. no, to be exact, people who just fall in love. when it first starts, everything is a lump of sugar. every word is like a jar of honey. every move is like a bouquet of roses. every minute apart is the emptiest moment u live just to wait for the next minute to b together. u feel like u r what u are because u are drowned in love. like what our handsome Jerry McGuire said to his gal, "u complete me". so sweet it melts your heart.

she sang with such emotion that i could feel the love. was she loved actually?

n i wonder would she sing with the same kind of passion when she had the biggest disappointment in the person who loved her so much, once upon a time.

such a song with such touching lyrics. it is definitely the best choice of song to b played when your relationship is blossoming. u feel that the song is just the perfect-fit piece of summary of yr love. "i was blessed because i was loved by you". how sweet. i am sure every single soul worships this song writer for putting such amazing romance into words. into such beautiful music.

what happens when time has its charge? when the person who loved u so much doesnt anymore? or not that much anymore? will u still like the song? or will you resent listening to that song again because it reminds u that u WERE loved, just that u AREN'T now, because it is whispering to you that it is a sweet memory but also the bitterness source now.

for all the time you stood by me.
won't u spend more time with me?
for all the truth that u made me see.
why do u lie?
for all the joy u brought to my life.
why do u always make me cry?
for all the wrongs that u made right.
why is everything my fault?
for every dream u made come true.
why don't u care about what i want?
for all the love i found in u.
do you still love me?
i'll b forever thankful baby.
i am so disappointed in u.
you're the one who held me up, never let me fall.
do you even care what's bothering me?
you're the one who saw me through, through it all.
why wont u understand me?
you were my strength when i was weak.
where are u when i need u the most?
you were my voice when i couldn't speak.
we are only silent or fighting.
you were my eyes when i couldn't see.
you are not even looking at me now.
you saw the best there was in me.
am i still the one for u?
lifted me up when i couldn't reach.
i m left all alone.
u gave me faith cause u believed.
it is hard to trust anymore.

i am everything i am, because you love me.
things changed. you just don't love me anymore...

the song is itself a sweet song, just that maybe it is not for u; it is just like Valentine's day, it will just remind the single-souls that they are alone when other people are celebrating their love, when cards and flowers and chocolate are sent to other houses, when a lot of another-halves are singing "because u love me" to their partners.

u may not feel the joy just yet, but someday it may come. even if it doesn't, u still deserve the love, at least from yourself.

may u find your McGuire someday.


h.3.l.3.n said...

wah since when u beremo blog also one..

anyway i think its bttr for me not to find joy in ppl loving me, coz then i wud b bitter once they stop loving me..

Windchaser said...

ailing, why so emotional? did somebody appear in your life? never tell me. sad already.

Hart said...

there was once a fren i came to know, told me this.
"my fren, would you stand up with me on this bench?" and as i stood with him on de bench, "my fren, now tell me, do u actually see a wider view from here?" there and then was where i never expect to see a totally different things which is always infront of me,all this while. there are other parts of things u never see, if you keep standing and seeing things from de same spot. be good, and there is alwis lights in all darkness u see.

pp said...

i never really feel much from this song till now..reeli can feel my heart squeeze n blood flowing outwards to my skin.. y the emo blog? anything?