Tuesday, July 21, 2009

when you can't say enough thank yous.

a year already. so fast.

every friday, everyone in clinic will know my santa claus is coming with a lot of presents. bottles of wine, boxes of chocolate, cards and so much more. and even though i give away some present to the nurses and the staff in the hospital, at the end of the year when i am supposed to clear the locker, i still find like 10 bottles of wine sitting in it.

and people will tell me, "what, your patient gave you a necklace?!"

"what, your patient gave you a rosary?!"

"what, your patient sent you a parcel to the hospital?!"

"what, your patient gave you all these?!"

every time i will say to him, "please, you really don't have to do this, and you really should not do this anymore".

every time he will say, "okay i will say this is the last time then"

but things never stop coming.

i wanna say, thank you, thank you, thank you. if the life of a dental student is stressful and tiring, you make it rewarding by just giving me the sincere look of appreciation of my work, by just saying thank you, by just telling me i have made a difference.

thank you, for letting me feel i will be a likable dentist in the future.

you and pauline will make my stay in england a forever sweet memory.

thank you, derek and pauline.

1 comment:

Windchaser said...

so nice, at least dental students can do something for the patient whereas medical students don't benefit the patient at all.